Who Is God

In this article I will give you my understanding of who the Creator of the universe is. Even though I will say what I will say, I don’t believe with our finite minds we are capable of ever understanding who God is however. For how can a man truly understand “I am that I am” or “I will be what I will be” or “I exist because I exist? One will lose their mind trying to to comprehend what it is to have always existed.

Our finite mind just can’t. As you read keep this in mind, be aware that in order for a semblance of who or what the Creator is many hardcore beliefs are going to have to be eradicated from your minds first. This is not going to be easy because the mind is such that it receives and accepts after much repetition what is funneled into it over many years of experiences. We are fleshly creatures never having existed but now exist with a gradiore purpose. Please read “Ferals Children” and understand what you never understood about yourself. Also traditional beliefs that have been ingrained from childhood no matter what culture you come from are going to be a real tough road to overcome for the majority of you.

I have mentioned in my writings that such beliefs as Christmas, which is a world wide celebrated event, have absolutely nothing to do with the true God. Therefore, I am going to tell you that it will be absolutely vital that you first come out of this such belief system. In order to do this you will have to understand where all these beliefs came from that have captured your minds. You are going to have to prove to yourself that they are not true. If you do not do this and dislodge your mind from such lies, and it will be hard, you won’t be able to connect with the truth. If you can’t get pass this none of what you read next will matter, at least at this time for truly this is a world held captive.

Let me say that I do understand the origin of the many beliefs and gods of the world and from whence they all come. Briefly it began with Nimrod of Babylon who was deify by his wife Semiramis by an evergreen tree she planted over night on his grave. He eventually became the Eternal Rah (god) of the Egyptians and man eventually began to believe that he himself was a god. But it all really began with the tree and the Serpent saying to the first woman:

Gen 3:4 And the serpent said to the woman, Dying you shall not die,
Gen 3:5 for God knows that in the day you eat of it, even your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil. (LITV)

I will repeat myself. Man seeking to understand himself without the knowledge of the true God, which was lost, began to look to the creation for answers to his existence. The planets themselves became gods of worship. You can see this as the days of the week are named after planets. Such as Monday for the Moon god, Saturday for god of Saturn, Thursday for Thor the Thunder god of the Greeks, Sunday for the Sun god, the earth itself being the mother god known as mother earth and so on. In every culture the celestial has been the focal point to the creations of the gods in the mind of men.

Man has deified himself by worshiping himself. Man is the one that sits on the throne of God in the heaven of his head. I will explain this shortly just bare with me if you can. So you have the Egyptian’s belief that they are gods alright. There is also a particular belief by some that life is a literal dream. So if we want to change the world all we have to do is stop the dream. The idea is that man is IMMORTAL according to the doctrines, which goes back to Eygpt. Essentially that collectively the minds of men is the mind of God. God has decided to manifest himself as a dream so we are all the collective mind of God. Since God, according to them, cannot occupy two points at one time it is up to us to change the world. In some circles God has actually forgotten himself to remember himself again in the creation of man. Where they get this one I have no idea. Actually I do as Satan is a very busy bee my friends.

We are therefore according to the above doctrine, eternal conscious beings. Our bodies die but our spirit goes on living in a conscious state. Go ask Tom Cruise and he’ll tell you we all have the power to change the world together. Where is the proof of this? Well there are none and all we see is the world getting worse not better. It is all based on faith in the belief. You know just between you and me I don’t feel much like a god when I have to sit on my toilet. That’s a humbling experience in itself that should really put things into perspective.

Now this belief as many others are full of science and mathematics which are used to justify and prove the idea. In other words thru the science ALL things can be proven. The people behind these doctrines are very intelligence in worldly knowledge you know. The average so call Christian could never stand against the scrutiny of these guys and this is because Christianity beliefs are also based on Egyptians doctrines which most swallow hook, line and sinker without proving. Bible thumbing people DO NOT KNOW what it is they believe in. And when you try to tell them the truth they want to hang you. If you are just reading or hearing and beliving what someone else has told you than you are a Bible thumping believer. You’ve got to go beyond the back yard of your mind.

All religion is man made! That includes re-incarnation, Hinduism, Egyptology, Life is a dream theology, Traditonal Christianity, Cathlocism and the many other branches and many more I probably don’t know of around the world. I guess I am bold in saying this but after many years of sincerely looking into these things, without any prejudice or judgement, you really see things for what they are.

A Rude Awakening

It is a rude awakening because of such things that I just mentioned that most can’t see beyond the backyard of their mind a better picture of who is the Creator called God. But even the word God is incorrectly used. Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Catholicism, all believers in religion are honest intended people but frankly gullible sheeples who believe out of tradition and not understanding. Only a few thruout history really understood and understand the deep spiritual principles imbeded in the Scriptures. So IF you want to understand you are going to have to understand what it is that you believe you understand by proving it beyond a shout of a doubt. That is going to be challenging task but when you do, you will be free. That I submit is your due diligence.

Now the question that begs an answer is why does not the Creator just show himself to man? I think that is a fair question. But I also believe there is a good reason, being that the Creator is all knowing who’s ways are above our ways and thought above our thoughts. However God has shown himself in physical form! I will repeat it, God has shown hmself in physical form. Continue reading.

The fact is we are created beings with a beginning and an eventual end living in a temporal world. We have not been given an understanding of what eternity is. We do not have a grasp with our puny minds, as wonderfully made as it is to understand what it is to have always existed. Understand we see things in a three dimensional world. God however exist out of time and space. It’s sort of like we existing in a two demensional world and God in a six. You have to consider how it is that God would have to communicate with his creation who see things only two sided.

Let me explain. All Adam and Eve knew before they sinned was that they existed. Like a child who just does not know anything in their mind other than what life is. That life just is. They did not know what evil was. They did not even know what good was. All they knew was what was. So what God created was “good” in the sense that that it is all they knew and it was how God created the world and them. Man was NOT created perfect as it is taught. It is not in the Bible. Adam and Eve had nothing to contrast good against in their mind to be appreciative, therefore they did not have the ability to make judgment. But, they were created conscious living beings.

Likewise, today we do not know what it is to live in eternity and not know death. We do not know this because we have not been given the capacity to grasp it. It is beyond our comprehension as created being because the Creator has made it so. Our physical minds are not capable of grasping the immensity of this idea. But again one day when we are transformed from the physical to the spiritual we will have the mind of Yahshuah. To this end we were born.

However, may I add that there are very unsual spiritual things taking place man does not understand. Things that are part of this life experience which are testesfying and witnessing this is not the only life that exist.

Everything that exist was created thru Yahshuah who was a created being himself. Yes Jesus the man was a created being. Now since there was nothing to created the universe from, God created it from Himself. Yes everything that exist came out from God. The void in space and between atoms called nothing is actually something. There is nothing that was not created. Dark matter, eather, wave particles (photons) the very invisible to the eye even under a microscope is actually something. There is no such thing as nothing. But we give it a name because we can’t see it. It is important to understand that everything that exist came from out of God Himself. So even the very breath we breath and the spirit that gives us life goes back to God at some point.

Man Of Sin Sitting on the Throne of God

Let me show you where the problem lies. But it is not really a problem but an experience that needs to be experienced. If you are want to have a better understanding of God and the creation you will have to come to understand who you are. In addition to this article please read “What Is Man”. I will repeat you must come to know who you are first! You must understand who the man of sin is.

So what is our ultimate goal as created beings?

Rev 3:21 The one overcoming, I will give to him to sit with Me in My throne, as I also overcame and sit with My Father in His throne.

We see that those which overcome will sit on a Throne as Kings and Priest of the Most High. This is the first resurrection. If we get caught up in the philosophies of the world we will get entangled in their smorgeosboug of confusion in the answer they provide. Why, when the answer is right in the word. But you have to come to believe. That’s that catch.

Are we immortal? I don’t think so.

1Co 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

See here is the answer. But the majority of you won’t have this. Your ego doesn’t want this and therefore causes you to reject God’s word. You must come to understand there is a Satanic force working in you to cause you to think otherwise. It thinks thru you making you think it’s you.

Now enters the man of Sin. Who is this guy? Let’s read:

2Th 2:3 Do not let anyone deceive you in any way, because that Day will not come unless first comes the falling away, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,

Who is this man of sin who sits attempts to sit on the Throne of God and think he is immortal?

Well first of all what and where is the Throne of God?

1Co 3:16 Do you not know that you are a sanctuary of God, and the Spirit of God dwells in you?

Other translation have the sanctuary as “temple”. So YOU ARE the temple where God is supposed to dwell and live thru you thru the spirit of the High Priest Yahshuah! Your body is the Temple of God!!! This is where the Throne of the Most High God is to dwell. But there is another spirit that sits on this Throne at this time. This is the man of sin which is your ego. That dark side of you that comes out in all forms of worldly attitudes. Your Ego is your problem child that makes you think you are a god. This is what is keeping you from understanding who or what is God. Please read my three articles on the Ego.

Now how is one exalted as a god in the mind? Lets take a look at Capernaum a city in Jerusalem.

Luk 10:15 And you, Capernaum, were you not exalted to the heaven? “To hell you will be thrust down!” Isa. 14:13, 15

Well think about this. How was an entire city exalted to heaven? Or is something else going on here. Lets take a look at the King of Babylon

Isa 14:13 For you have said In your heart, ( speaking to the King) I will go up to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit in the mount of meeting, in the sides of the north.

Isa 14:14 I will rise over the heights of the clouds; I will be compared to the Most High.

This is not talking about Satan but the King of Babylon who is being influence by Satan. This King had a chip on his shoulder, full of pride that he had built such a great city and gave God no credit. Read the article on the “Who is Lucifer ” if you doubt what I am saying. Continuing on it said:

Isa 14:15 Yet you shall go down to Sheol, to the sides of the Pit.

So here we have a whole city being thrown down from heaven to hades, the grave and we have the King of Babylon whose “pomp is brought down to the grave” (Isa. 14:11). These two Scriptures are exact parallel thoughts. Both are speaking about the mind of men raising itself up to the level of God in the heaven of their own heads. It is all happening in the mind and that is exactly where God will judge every man and woman that is born into this world. This is where you stand as you read this.

Are you beginning to see who the man of sin is? Are you understanding that you are “that man of sin”! You may not want to accept this. But it is the inevitable truth you will have to accept.

In the meantime God allows the sufferings of evil for what? Why is it that such suffering is part of this life? I’ll tell you why, that you may be humble by it. Man will not look for God without suffering.

That is why the Corinthians were admonished to turn over a sinner that refused to stop committing terrible sins over to Satan. Why? We read:

1Co 5:5 to deliver such a one to Satan for destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

This is pretty deep stuff requiring much meditation. The Ego which is the dark force all are born with is what is sitting on the temple of the Most High which is your body. This dark force thinks thru you and makes you think you are a god. This is the dark force that overcame Eve in the garden and has been transfer to all generations born. Thru the suffering of the flesh the man is humble to his knees by whatever divine experience God sees fit for that person at the moment. That is why suffering is a necessary part of God’s intention to bring man to glory. Trust me when I tell that it works. I am a living example of it’s power.

Once you accept the above as truth you will see things in a different light. You will now understand why Yahoshuah came to man. Now I can tell you who God is. But let the Scriptures tell you instead. One of the Apostle asked the question who is God?

Joh 16:25 I have spoken these things to you in allegories. An hour comes when I will no longer speak to you in allegories, but I will reveal the father plainly to you.

If you are understanding this than God is talking to you.

Joh 14:8 And Philip said to Him, Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us.

Joh 14:9 Jesus said to him, Am I so long a time with you, and you have not known Me, Philip? THE ONE SEEING ME HAS SEEN THE FATHER! And how do you say, Show us the Father?

The question now is do you believe what you are reading?

Reading further:

Joh 14:10 Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me? The Words which I speak to you I do not speak from Myself, but the Father who abides in Me, He does the works.

Joh 14:11 Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me; but if not, believe Me because of the works themselves.

Yahoshuah was a created being who later was incarnated as a representative of God on the earth. And how do I know this? The answer is in the book of John. This begining is before the creation of the earth:

Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Who is the word?

Rev 19:13 …and having been clothed in a garment which had been dipped in blood.( this is Jesus) And His name is called The Word of God.

Yahoshuah is the word of God. His life was an example of God’s nature on the earth for men to see. God cannot show himself as he is to man who is a created physical limited being. Why is this? Moses asked God to show himself to him. He asked:

Exo 33:18 And he said, I pray, let me see Your Glory.

God answered:

Exo 33:20 And He said, You are not able to see My face; for no man can see Me and live.

Here is what happened next.

Exo 33:21 And Jehovah said, Behold, a place by Me, and you shall stand on a rock.

Exo 33:22 And as My glory is passing it will be that I will put you in a cleft of the rock; and I will cover My hand over you during My passing.

Exo 33:23 And I will remove My hand, and you shall see My back; but My face cannot be seen.

Moses was only allow to see God’s back otherwise God’s form which is pure energy, thats the best it came be described, would have burnt up Moses and consumed him. That is why God cannot show himself to man in His pure form. Are you understanding?

This is what the Scripture reveals not what I am saying nor am I taking it out of context. Read it! God in other words cloned Himself in the form of Jesus the man who would represent him on the earth so that God could communicated directly with man and show man His goodness.

God’s name transliterated from Hebrew is YHWH and pronounced Yod Hey Wav Hey and it is written from right to left in Hebrew. I have it written from top to bottom to make a point:

Since Yahoshuah means God with us or amongst man his name is written like this ( presented from top to bottom). Here is the mystery solved. With the Hebrew “Shin” added for the heart. Pronounced Yoh Hey Shin Wav Hey.





Be Blessed

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