The Law

 Is the Torah done away with?

In this discussion we will be looking at the keeping of the law, the Torah and the Ten Commandment. If you are a Hebrew Israelite, a Jew or one of the British Israelite groups you will say the Law is not done away with.  Well at least for some part of the law; to others none is done away with. If you are a Traditional Christian you will say all is done away with. 

So which is it? Is it or is it not?  If you believe in keeping physical requirement then you are right in your mind.  If you believe kindling a fire is sin then you need to not kindle a fire for consciousness sake. If you believe all you have to do is accept Jesus as your personal saviour than you are just as right in your own mind.  If you believe Sunday is the day of worship than for consciousness sake you need Sunday.  You both need your physical worship as long as you remain physically bound.

Here is a simple thought to consider as you read the foregoing.  If you go before a red light or stop sign, it tells you you have to stop or you may get a ticket.  But the question is do you really need the stop sign or red light to cause you stop?  If you did not have it would you carelessly go thru the intersection? If you got to the intersection first, would you let the other car go first or would you become self-righteous about it?  Likewise do you need written words to tell you not steal?  If you do, than you need the law.  If you just don’t steal as a matter of conscious than you are living the law in your heart.  Be mindful stealing doesn’t have to be so obvious.  It would be a matter of keeping the wrong change the cashier gave you.  Why do people need someone to tell them to “love your neighbor”?  Why can’t the races live in peace?

Your Conscience

See if your conscience does not convince you of the expediency in doing good, what you have done is confirm the need for a written law.  But a man/woman who just naturally does the right thing does not need a written law.  Now I am talking about the Ten Commandment here, the natural law of life.  These are the basis for Common Law Court. Any other court procedure is a quasi-kangaroo process governed by the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) of the Roman System. If you believe in keeping the Law of Moses think about why you do so.  Why did Moses give the people such stringent tenets to begin with?  

The Universal Commercial Code Manuel (UCC) is composed of thousands of codes regulating commerce.  The Lawyer’s law book also has thousands of procedures and process not even the Judge can keep track of.  They are over 200 regulations Israel had to individually maintain in order to be right with God.  Why so many? No wonder Israel continuously fail miserably.  Let me bring it to your attention that keeping the law did not help them become spiritual and eventually they outdid the pagan nations in their sinning. 

Hair Splitting

But see than there is this thing called the splitting of hairs you should know about.  This is what Lawyers are great at.  This is what they go to years of schooling for.  Instead of calling a spade a spade they will use legalese terms to call a spade a diamond.  There is no honor or integrity in these men, with very minor exceptions.  Those exceptions who try to live up to such good expectation soon find their inability to function in honor under such a perverted system since.  They unknowingly have soul their soul to the devil.  They are bound to serve her Majesty the Queen.  Their allegiance is to a person not God.  

See a man can keep all the law he wants in public view, but the real battle is in the mind.  Even with all the laws established and oath they take, the Lawyers, Judges, Politician up to the president are breaking the Common Law and their own quasi procedures.  Our Lawyer recently had the audacity to tell my wife he had immunity! Every day he as all lawyers dishonestly cheat people but then he began to cry because his wife was leaving him.  One minute he is an esquire, a royal court officer of her majesty the queen, the next he is a frail whimp broken down by a woman.  What do we have here but a lack of spiritual character.

Hating a person in the heart but outwardly doing the opposite is the same as just hating them openly.  You may fool people but you can’t escape your conscience in the spiritual world. That’s where God does the judging.   Now if you don’t believe Yahsuah (Jesus) is the messiah and was the ultimate sacrifice prophesied in the Old Testament than you are correct in keeping the Law of Moses. It is for you, you need it.   But if you believe he was, than there is no more need for a continual weekly or yearly sacrificing of animals to redeem yourself. If you believe the same and still believe in the law of Moses than you annul the Messiah sacrifice.  But on the other extreme if all you believe is just accepting Jesus as your personal savior while hating your enemy in your heart than you need the Law of Moses.  You need the training of the law for the law was made as a tutor to show man the way to spiritual maturity.

Likewise if you go to church and carry a weight of resentment against your parent, husband, wife or whomever, then you are in danger of judgment, for you can’t love the word and hate someone.  Resentment is the symptom of hate which is the accumulation of repressed aggression.  It is love turned inside out.  It is a character flause you must come to realize you have. See this is all a battle for your mind.

Today Jews keep the Law of Moses as they kept it in Jesus times.  Yet Jesus condemned them and the lawyers calling them a brew of vipers for their treacherous mindset, this “while they kept the law”.  Oh they kept the law outwardly alright, but inwardly they were a septic tank.  A Jew (believer of Judaism) keeps that same Moset laws, but will out rightly take advantage of any gentile.  In their mind they justify such an action because the gentile is not part of Israel and thus according to them it is no sin.  If you think I am over stating just go check out their Tumult. They forget we are all God’s creation!  They ignore that true Israel was chosen to be, a light to the gentile nations. 

The so called Israel today occupying the land of Israel has some of the largest pig farms in the world.  The law forbids the eating of swine flesh, but so much for the law.  They like the Pope who teaches his followers to bow down to a statue justify in their mind the eating of unclean meat. Do you see where you yourself may be missing the mark yourself?

Surely in a world where there is an absence of spiritual character we need rules and regulations.  If not we would still be an unrestrained barbaric society.  If not for a few honorable people we would not have a civil society at all. That is why in the old west everyone carried a gun, for self-preservation. 

Israel needed regulations because they were carnal human creatures.  The Ten Commandment was physically kept but it was not yet written in their hearts.  So Moses came up with a bunch of hair splitting regulation because the people like Lawyers would split hairs in their mind about such as keeping the Sabbath for example.  They would determine how many steps a man could take before he broke the Sabbath.  This had to go before the board of executive for determination.  It’s no wonder Moses was overwhelmed when the issues of people were brought to him.  It’s no wonder there is a court system today.  People are without honor and integrity so someone else given the power of authority has to make the decision for them.

The Core Of The Matter

But here is the core of the matter. God works thru intuition and discernment.  This is the wordless word of truth.  This is what your conscience which only man possess is all about. The wordless word of truth is not written on stone tablets but in the heart.  This is why Israel could not be faithful because the law was not written in their heart.  All they did was live a physical life with physical rewards.  That is why King David is still dead in the grave and has not gone up to heaven.  That is why Yahsuah told the Samaritan woman there would come a time when true worshippers would do so in spirit and in truth, not in this mountain or that mountain.  A Scripture law keepers over sight.  It is a spiritual thing.

Christians and Catholic go to church on Sunday and come out with a euphoria feeling of now being right and justified with God. Then they go about their usual business of doing what frail human beings do.  Law keepers have a euphoria feeling of being right with God by keeping the Law, the feast days, circumcision etc.  But try taking circumcision away from them and you may just be stone to death.  The physical law is their god. It’s a security blanket that blinds them to a heart that needs mending.  Likewise if you try taking away the doctrine of hell from the Christian you kick the prop from under their feet. You will experience hate and anger the likes your haven’t seen.  The same goes for Re-encarnationist, Hidus and the many religions with all their practices.

 See by having a doctrine call hell a Christian can justify having free will and done it all on his/her own.  By keeping circumcision and the rest of the carnal laws, a law keeper will do the same and justify doing it on their own.  It all adds up to a work of one’s own doing.  Both will have the same tantrum reaction and become extremely aggressive like a child who’s lollipop has been taken away when you even in kindness bring up the subject.  It is an idol of the heart that will have to be burned out by God’s consuming fire. God’s consuming fire is the process by which the Most High will refine all his creation unto a spiritual family member of His holy family.

Both will condemn the other for the other being wrong.  Both will have missed the mark.  Both have built their castle on the sand.  Both need the law which without they cannot be justified and be right with God.  One because they refuse to accept the Messiah Yahshuah as the fulfillment of the law, the example for all men to live by.  He fulfilled by living it not annulling it.    Notice I DID NOT say the law is done away with.  The other because they abrogate the law by worshipping  abominable traditions, a false God and the breaking of the second Commandment.  So they are without the law completely.


So what do we have here?

By now I have said a mouthful and without Scriptural references.  But the problem is no Scriptural reference as clear and obvious as it may be will change the mind of either side.  There is a spiritual chasm separating both sides.  One has and lives by the Law the other is Lawless.   Why is this? 

Because man was created imperfect with a force called vanity which causes his thinking to be at enmity with God.   Eve naturally sinned and Adam followed suit right after her.  It is natural for man to sin.   Man is a sinning machine made purposely and perfectly that way by God.  Man was created a living creature, a  “nephesh” in Hebrew, a learning creature.  He was made physically bounded and attached to the earth.  His destiny however, is to evolved into a spiritual being but first he must traverse this physical experience call life in order to be transformed.

Man lives in a state of mischief by default and sinning is natural to him.  Again this is the manner in which God created him. No such concept as sin exists in the mind of man. This is why the law exist.  It brings about a revelation to the mind that there is another state of existence.  It causes man to see that the way he is living is wrong. There are cultures that have abominable practices that are hard to imagine but they don’t see it as a wrong thing.  They just live life as it exist for them.

 Without the law man has nothing to compare his present state of mind with.  The law brings about contrast.  All of life is a contrast.   It reveals the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, paradise lost in the garden.  The law is a convictor of the soul.  The law is a light to the conscience, a teacher.  Man must become at one with the law, the Ten Commandment in his mind.  This is what God gave Moses at Mount Sinai.  The Law of Moses came later as physical tenets for a physical bound people who needed to be restrained at a physical level.  This is why the Law of Moses existed.  This is why the UCC and Common Law exist.  This is why you have the traffic light, to restrain the physical bound man.   Are you understanding?

I will end with this.  How convoluted is the mind of man yesterday and today while claiming to worship God? 

Take a look at the picture below and understand it is indeed a battle for your mind.

John 3:16 Gun

My question to you is, where are you in the scheme of God’s plan for mankind?   


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