
The other day I work up after having a dream. I was talking to a group of people explaining to them that nothing will change as long as we continue in the same political scene and do nothing to change from within. That the change needs to be a spiritual rudimentary change or any change will just ensue another chaotic political world. After some other words I cannot fully remember I said “this is nothing more than Messism. In other words it’s all a big mess we are living in”.

Than I woke up. I than got up and google searched this word Messism I never knew and I got a few hits on it. Basically it is called a modern day religion and it’s basically youths oriented. There is even a radio music station you can listen to at . (don’t really mean this)

Anyway after listening to a few pieces I realized what our youth is being drawn to; I see my own son and daughter having lived a large portion of their youth with their mother after she divorced me, their frame of mind and the music they grew up listening to; I now see clearer where a apart their molding came from; I new see clearer the personality traits of our youth; I now see clearer part of why they are in the mess they are in in their thinking.

Messism aims at calling good bad and bad good in a sense. In other words why fix your bed if you are going to get in it again. It questions discipline. Is it really easier to be organized than to just leave things where you’ll see them and find them easier? It said to the youth, it’s okay to ware your pants down to your buttock; its okay girls to lose your virginity now; and so out the window goes traditional principles and in comes insanity.

Obviously you can approach this subject from many point of view but it just happens this dream brought me to this topic. But Messism is dressed in the smogasburg of decades of political bs that has been created and funneled to the sheeples by a bunch of mindless, cruel and heartless people who have created thousands of statues and codes to mesmerize us with. And when someone breaks thru their code they result to screaming and name bashing calling that person a billigerent citizen, a terrorist.

Our entire infrastructure has been fabricated on a Messism of bureaucratic lies by a groups of mentally ill people with the agenda of keeping everyone very confused. Where the simplicity of just applying the golden rule of “doing to others as you would have them do to you” is all we need to do. The simple rule that simplified life and leaves no room for the needs of splitting of hair by Attorneys to determine if there is sufficient evidence to prove there has been property, personal or contractual damage in a claim put forward. That there is no set of physical religious rituals ones must perform in order to be religiously correct with their maker.

And so we see a paved road taking our youth from one messy thought process to another until they become parents and the chain of events is repeated. So from the ill informed parent who first violate their children they are passed on to the schools system who does a great number at keeping them ignorant of their constitutional rights then off to the Churches who bedazzles them into paying their hard earn monies in the form of tithes to avoid this thing call eternity in hell’s fire. All the while the elite continue to make money off of all of us.

Violation after violation they, the elite, have been taking us to a dead end street right to the slaughter house by keeping us mentally enslaved. This is certainly a world held captives where wrong is right, up is down, white is black and the fabric of a true civil society is torn apart; where righteousness is belligerent to the common norms. So if you go to court and claim common law rights, be advised that whatever is commonly acceptable by the people in that society, you will have to succumb to their rulings if that is what your are claiming. It doesn’t matter if you are right and they are wrong. You consented to be rule by those sets of common beliefs so you either walk away from that society and live off the grit, abide by the rules or you face the ritual of steel. We are living in dangerous times and no where in the world to run to since our own families have become part of the system in place. There is no doubt they will rule against you and call you contemptuous.

What you are left with after all the violations a man/woman has to endure and they start to wake up to all the lies is a Godless society, exactly what communism has been aiming to accomplish for decades now. With the help of the last presidents of the United States (kudos to Kennedy and Lincoln for speaking out against the bankers) the Communist manifesto protocol of thesis, antithesis and syntheses has been systematically carried out throughout history. Basically it works like this.

You create a dire situation (thesis) the mass eventually cries out to be delivered from(war, economy, etc); than they jump to the occasion with an offer, a solution (antithesis) as a means to bridge the differences. Than they come to a common agreement (synthesis) to resolve the conflict. This is how they get the mass to go alone with them while behind the scenes they are manipulating the entire scheme. This is how we now have a corrupt school system, a corrupt police force, a corrupt Judicial system and a corrupt religion system all supported by the very people who are being screwed! People cannot see they are drug addicts who are supporting the drug pusher. There is not enough adjectives to describe the deception.

So if I or anyone with clean hands speaks out tells the truth the entire population will go against the very thing that will save them. I and the likes will be out of alingement. We will be looked at as anti-patriotic. Well let me tell this formal Marine gave eight years of his life in protecting and defending what I believed to be true and just principles.

It is the the wonder of why Jesus was executed, not by the Roman system mind you, but by the very people themselves who cried out “Crucify him, Crucify him” ! His very people killed him! Surely the future is not for the faint in heart. The majority turned into whimpy servants will bend backwards to the tyrant. They will serve the government which was created by the people to serve them. They will cry out kill the terrorist, kill the terrorist and the elite will watch the entire demise of America from behind close doors drinking their fancy cognac; while most remain silence with with one thump in their mouth the other in some dark place.

Perhaps this has been real bad news to you and you are condemning me. Well let me tell you a secret, there is great news coming but before it does you must come to realize and face the bad music; you must see the man in the mirror. The Beast behind the scene all along.

If this hasn’t stirred you up, you must not be alive!!

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