Howl O’Israel


O’Israel how long has the Creator YHWH desire to gather you under His wings like a hen gathers her chicks. What has happened to you O’Israel that you have forsaken your Creator even though He has shown you favor amongst all the nation? Where are your gallant men and your virtues women? What has become of you and your generations for they are lost in oblivion? When will you forsake your ways and turn back to your first love? O’where o’where are thou Israel the apple of God’s eyes? How long shall the nations howl because you haven’t kept your your agreement with The Most High? For you have said “All that the Lord command we will do”.

But wait O my soul. Is she not the nation chosen for a devine ministry having been the lowest amongst the nation, where is she that I may learn from her. For I seek her but can’t find her. Is she the one with sanguine cheeks who have gone out to conquer other nations, kill its inhabitant and monopolized the world scenes. Has your Creator ordained you to come upon the Americas, plunder the natives Indians of this land, spew them out of your site and close the gates to their own habitation. Is that your prime directive? To enslave the foreigner and grief their soul saying in your heart “We have done them a favor, else they would have perished altogether”. We will even develop a formula to make sure they will not be able to revert back to themselves. Were you not lower than these once? Has technology given to you made you like Capernaum, the King of Tyrus or the King of Babylon who were lifted up to their own heaven? For out of your heart come a vile Ego saying I am strong look what I have done. Beware you nations for I reign with a rod of iron. For the very power and technology you pretend to defend you use to bring down your foe. Where is God in your line of defense? Is not vengeance His and His alone? Is your righteousness not as corrupt as it can get and the moral fabric of your society nothing more than grasping for the wind. What has happened to your forefathers’ attempt to do the right thing? Why do you play with words and acronyms and dumfound the mass with your politics. Can you muster enough within yourself to fix the other nation’s wearies when your howls are greater? Are you sure you are not the gentiles who’s time is short, your reckoning is at hand and you have done no better than Israel with your your deck of card?

Where are you Israel? Have the ships of your enemies carry you upon a foreign land and the knowledge of your root has been vanquished altogether? Why has all the woos and pangs not brought you to repentance that you may be cloth in white linen? Shall you be forced to submit your self created will by plaques after plaques causing your skin to darken as coal? What is wrong with you that your righteousness is less than honest? You are overcome with jealousy. You morn and complain, where is my acre and a mule, yet you are quick to do even your own in. Why when your prophets cry out to you, you shrug your shoulder and taunt him with your fist. Why don’t you put the blame where it belongs? Is it not your own doing that has brought you down? Are you quick to blame those over you who are only doing the will of He who created you because of your disobedience? Are you not the one to blame? When will you cry out we are wrong our Ego has gotten the best of us. Are you truly ready to take your place in Yah’s plans to be servant first then teachers or will you repay an eye for an eye in your heart? When will you seek the Kingdom of YHWH and his righteousness instead of affinitive action, so that all those things you seek may be added to you? Why can’t your tribes gather together as one? I’ve heard one of them said one of your scientist created the white man. Another that you are the only means of salvation replacing the Messiah as the only mediator between man and God. Oh how my soul howls for Israel.

My soul howls for the consummation of all things. But Israel says she has already retaken her habitation and occupies her rightful inheritance. Is so? But wait she raises up in arms against her neighbor, faces the wall and cries for peace yet will not turn the other cheek. I don’t understand I am overtaken. Again she looks the other way and taunts. She faces the wall again and prays for the peace of Jerusalem steaming inside with hatred and vengeance against her neighbor. I can never be like her she has told me, never in a life time. She is elevated on a pedestal by the greatest power on earth while the Most High is very far away. She relies on the strength of her horses and rallies her people for war continuesly. The gold and the precious stones she holds in one hand but with the other raised up high she defames those around her. Why can’t I be like you O’ Israel? Instead why do you seek to control me, keep me abased, and cry out anti-semitism when a tit is scrutinized. But why have you snatched someone else portion and claim it as your own? Oh my soul when will Israel turn around that I may find my rest? Where are you O’Israel?

Then the spirit of the Eternal came to me and said:

” Howl no longer for the earth is mine and none shall be left. I have thousands of servants who do not bow down to Baal. For I the Eternal look down deep inside at a contrite hearts. For you shall know them by their fruits. By their fruits you shall know them”.

Than my spirit was quenched.

I then saw how the sun shines on the pretty and the ugly, the beautiful and the muf-urgly; the rich and the poor, the skinny and the fat, the good and the bad, the child molester and the prophet. All are born together all die together. One dies happy the other dies sad and evil is passed from one generation to another. And so goes the saying, nothing is new under the sun, nothing. What shall you say is your excuse?


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