Let Real Freedom Ring

This is August the month for the 2012 Olympics.  The word around town for this month is some UFO phenomenon is supposed to take place ashuring in the new age for the New World Order (NWO). The problem with this is that the NWO began a long time ago, 1776 being a day to remember.   It’s the birthday of the Unite States Marine C orps and the birthday of the dollar bill.  The pyramid on the dollar bill should be a hint as to when all this really started and who originated this idea of world domination.    Besides do you really believe if something was going to happen this month we would know about it?  Heck no!

Here is a dilemma you need to know. The problem is unknowingly we have all being made a slave of the NWO while we were asleep.  We are tossed to and fro by those in control who know very well which button to push and take us where they want.  Just to give you an example of what I mean is this.

Abraham Lincoln has received the credit for freeing the black man.  But he really did not.  He has been quoted as saying that if he could keep the union he would have kept the black man enslaved.  So he was forced to free them in order to keep the Union.  BUT here is the catch.  After receiving his freedom the black man was then offered the opportunity to have the status of a citizen of the United States.  Oh what a privilege to finally be part of the world and have equal rights.  Wrroonng!

In case you did not noticed “citizen” has a small letter “c”.  A “Citizen” with a large “C” is not the same as a “citizen” with a small “c”.  I bet most of you did not know this.  But back to the black slave.  He was given his legal freedom as a free person but unfortunately he was hooked winkled into accepting the status of a citizen with the right to vote.  Now he had become a slave VOLUNTARILY by signing an oath with the system in place.  He did not have full disclosure as to what was taking place however.  He was deceived into signing away his rights unknowingly.  That’s what the devil does and so do his cronies.     Remember this; the Constitution of the United States DOES NOT give you any rights.  You already have those God given rights from birth.  The Constitution merely affirms these natural rights and was set up to protect them.

But guess what like the black man, so have you become a slave by signing away your life the day you receive a SSN.  Yes you reading this.  You and your children from the time they are born.  If you have a Social Security Number (SSN) you are also a slave with limited freedom controlled by those who own the banks and all the land of the earth.   The Catholic Church has declared thru what is called “Papal Bulls” that the earth belongs to the Church.  That to go against the Church is to go against God.  They have declared the Apostle Peter handed the baton to the Pope making him the Vicar of Christ.  He is called the Holy Father and should you meet up with him don’t forget to kiss his ring.  They have declared the entire earth is under their dominion.

Therefore they control all commerce thru Ecclesial Cannon Law.  Yes what we have today governing the world is an advance version of the Egyptian government known today as Rome with the Pope as head of all the earth’s Kings and Queen.   All governments of the earth bow down to this one man.   But what’s really behind all this is but a cultist elite ruling the world thru witchcraft.  Worshipping the prince of this world Satan by worshipping the sun god Ra who is none other than Nimrod who ruled Babylon and built the tower of Babylon.   They believe thru their cultist worship that the souls of man can be trapped into a bar of gold and held in spiritual imprisonment.  The idea is so bizzard by now it probably has caused you to think I have smoked poison mushroom.   But should you do your own research you may be in for a big surprise and finally realize just how mentally ill these people have become throughout the ages.

We must all come to realize and come out of denial that something is not right  with the way things are.  That we are on a collective level have a responsibility to life, liberty and the pursue of happiness for all not just Americans.  Because until the last man, woman, or child is free none are free.  It is not about culture, race, religion or what ever may come up as a reason for things being the way things are.  It is about us all individually becoming awake and making a difference.  A King only has as much power as those who give it to him in form of worship.  Turn your heart and mind over to the Creator and unfocus your mind away from the earthly Kings.  Worship your Creator and ask Him for his guidance.   Don’t wait until you find yourself breathing your last to seek that freedom we need NOW.

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