The Sumerian Stones

What are the Sumerian Tablets? For those of you unfamiliar with this topic the Sumerian Tablets are stone writings excavated mostly in Iraq and other parts of the world of the Sumerian culture. It is said to predate the Bible by 3 to 4 thousand years. It has been translated and said to detail the creation of mankind. It’s translation have become another new age doctrine for the explanation of our existence on planet earth. It describes man having been created by an advance alien race who came to earth to excavate for gold. They detail the account of Genesis in the Bible and supposedly alludes to man having been cloned out of other creatures and were used as slave labour and left behind when no longer needed.

These tablets all of a sudden have made a big popularity and have become the doctrine of where man came from and where we are headed in these last days. We now have lizard people living amongst us,, enslaving us and have a dooms day plan for mankind. Formal President Bush is one of them just in case you didn’t know. But please don’t take my word for it.

The interesting thing is no one ever heard of these tablets before until recent time. Some are saying it is because it has been a covered up by the government to keep the public from the truth. The government does these things you know so naturally this sounds very credible. Well the one thing I will tell you is this. We are going to have to do our due diligence not to believe anything without having the complete facts. There is too much deception going on to believe anything you hear or read. That would include what I write. That’s right, don’t let me take you for a ride so do your own research but most of all importune your Creator for wisdom to see the truth.

However, if you believe you are your own creation or a test tube clone by some alien race I leave you to your own devices. You are on your own until you snap out of your Matrix. I do understand your position in desiring to understand this thing call life but as all things of life is of a spiritual nature the ultimate responsibility to wake up people lies with God.

This article is for you who are searching and in doing so are confused about all these things and the many deception taking place to keep man away from the true knowledge and the purpose for his existence.

From the time of Genesis to Jesus we have approximately a 4000 year period. Hence, the Sumerian tablets validates the Bible more so than take away. Well of course the Sumerians knew of the creation just like we find in every other culture. It’s the same story being told in different manner according to the culture. So lets get some facts regarding the tablets to make my point.

First Regarding the Tablets

The following information is from the below website. This just one of the many you can search to get the information.

When did the tablet began to be revealed?

“As for the second, or Elamite version, of the Behistun inscription, it offered relatively little difficulty as soon as progress was made in the decipherment of Accadian, since it uses a syllabary based on the Accadian system of writing. The major figures in its decipherment were Westergaard and Norris. As early as 1855 Norris, the secretary of the Royal Asiatic Society, published the complete text of the second version of the Behistun inscription, which had been copied by Rawlinson, together with a transliteration and a translation; this remained practically the standard work on the subject until Weissbach published his Achämenideninschriften zweiter Art in 1896.

As will be noted, nothing has yet been heard or said of the Sumerians. As early as 1850, however, Hincks began to doubt that the Semitic inhabitants of Assyria and Babylonia had invented the cuneiform system of writing…

For several decades following the discovery of the existence of Sumerian, practically all the source material for its decipherment and study consisted of the bilinguals and syllabaries from the so-called Ashurbanipal library which was discovered and excavated at Nineveh. This material dates from the seventh century B. C., some fifteen hundred years after the disappearance of Sumer as a political entity. As for the material from the Sumerian sites, it consisted almost entirely of a very small group of bricks, tablets, and cylinders from the Sumerian and post-Sumerian periods which had found their way into the British Museum. In 1877, however, began the first successful excavation at a Sumerian site.”

Further how much of it is spiritual in nature?

“In the first place it is important to note that more than ninety-five per cent of all the Sumerian tablets are economic in character, that is, they consist of notes and receipts, contracts of sale and exchange, agreements of adoption and partnership, wills and testaments, lists of workers and wages”


“In short we are amply justified in stating that although practically all our available Sumerian literary tablets actually date from approximately 2000 B. C.,…”

In translating tablets:

“Now while all this sounds relatively simple on paper, in actual practice the decipherment of Sumerian from the bilingual texts has resulted in many grammatical and lexical misunderstandings. For Accadian and Sumerian are as divergent in vocabulary and structure as two languages can be, and the seeming correspondences in the ancient dictionaries and interlinears frequently proved very misleading, especially since not a few of the earlier decipherers, for one reason or another, tended to draw hasty and superficial conclusions. As a consequence so many errors crept into Sumerian grammar and vocabulary that when scholars were presented with some of our unilingual literary tablets, that is with the tablets inscribed in Sumerian only, the resulting efforts proved largely unproductive. Indeed in many cases the attempted translations were almost entirely untrustworthy and dangerously misleading. It is only in the last two decades, largely as a result of Arno Poebel’s Grundzüge der Sumerischen Grammatik 25 that Sumerian grammar has been put on a scientific basis. As for the lexical problems, these still remain serious and far from resolved. 26.…..”

The above should suffice in starting you off on your own trek of discerning the topic.

Primordial intellect is the premise of the illuminati train of thought when it comes to his evolution into a supreme being. In other words by the accumulation of knowledge thru the sciences, his believe is that man will eventually evolve into a supreme being, a god. That is why they who are in charge today believe that only the most fittest, the more intellectually fit to govern the rest of humanity. In their world man does not have a soul and is just a coincidence of nature, a basic animal guided by instinctual behaviours and by coincidence there are those that developed more intelligent than others.

This is why when a child is discovered by the school system to be especially talented, these children are searched out and cultivated thru their clandestine system starting by offering grants, special opportunities, better living standards until they eventually find themselves part of the system. When the belly is full the man is happy and has no need to search out his Creator. Eventually believing themselves what they have been funneled starting with the systematic teachings of Darwinian mechanics, these same become the next generation that supersede the previous.

Since man has no spiritual connection to the true source and is indeed basically a physical being without the ability to reason on a spiritual level, he will by nature take the path of least resistance. That is he naturally gravitates to his inner self and finding approval by those believing the same automatically boost his ego and joins the crow. Science becomes a more palatable median of accessing the meaning to his existence since it is tangible to him. If it cannot be proven scientifically than it has no merit  and not true. For example. There are the Moore Scientist strictly science based, Kemtaphysics with many gods, are gods and have a scientific approach to life.  There are other sects which believe this is all a dream contend that all can be unequivocally proven thru the sciences.

There is something about knowledge that puffs up a man. It gives him this illusion in his mind, a superiority complex which causes him to believe everyone else is less than. The Masonic Lodge are people who have this sort of mentality. Their whole system is built on layers upon layers like an onion of initiations which allows only those showing this high level of humanistic intelligence to be grafted into their system. The “Secret” of their society weaved by complicated subsystems specifically made to create the illusion of a heighten enlightment, which only a few Grand Masters poses, is nothing more than a lie. A lie which thru their doctrine of beliefs very carefully crafted, supported and defended by force of will (basically a gun to the head) is believed by the lower echelon and strictly enforced by their system in place. Anyone who speaks out will find the IRS, the policeman, man in black or someone knocking at their doors.

Ignorantly they are worshipping themselves which is nothing more than worshipping the father of lies Satan himself. For he said unto them ’For in the day that thou eat, thou shall be like God himself.” Lay member of these organization are mostly ignorant of these things. They honestly believe they are in a organization with true honorable intent.

So why have I taken the time to say the above?

Simply because like the Masonic Lodge like every religion or belief system some how once searched out and scrutinized, leads back to Egyptian doctrines. I have not found one that doesn’t. The Sumerian like every other culture thru out time mixed the truth of creation with pagan beliefs. The whole world is a Satanic system which people will find very hard to believe. How hard? You will find the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church bowing down to a statute which breaks the second Commandment “Thou shall not bow down to any graven image“. Now even thought the Catholic Church knows not to bow down to graven images, somehow in their perverted mind they find justification to do so and explain it away by some vain insane lie.

People are pressed hard to believe this nice old man could be deceiving them. It’s too much for the psychic, to the ego of every catholic person to believe such a thing. So this way a person is kept hypnotized to a lie. It is no different than a Christian believing in a hell fire, Buddis believing in re-incarnating hundredths of time over but not remembering the previous life to correct the errors, Hindus worshipping the cow to people giving their credit cards away to a preacher promising them a faster blessing.

When it come to the Sumerian Tablets what do we have but more of the same. The supposed translation that lizard aliens came down and cloned man for excavating gold on planet earth.  This is re-enforced by the Mayan Calendar 2012 dooms end, crop circles, pyramids on Mars, UFO’s appearance all over the place, movies of alien invasion to further drill in the illusion and to top it off real life testimony on TV of people being adopted by aliens. I was watching the Spanish channel recently. They were talking about a man who had a accident and supposedly had his entire body up to his chest go thru a five inch tube in diameter while working in an industrial plant. This man was shown on TV all stitched up working around entirely whole having survive such a thing. When I tried to reason with my father in law how physically impossible this was he won’t believe me. To him if it was being shown on TV than it must be true.

So than is no surprise that along comes a couple of stones which now attempts to eradicates the Scriptures thru some people‘s interpretation. “Majestic 12” is a must read and research document for all desiring truth. The late William Bill Cooper a formal Naval Intelligence Officer and radio talk host who was announced by Rush Limbaugh to be the most dangerous man in the world.  This this man eventually lost his life for exposing the truth. If you haven’t done so get inform and read his book “Behold A Pale White Horse”. Than go back and take a closer look at this Sumerian Tablets and what is being purported today.

Don’t be ignorant get informed!

William Cooper himself was a believer and proponent of the space aliens conspiracy during his learning years. Later he discovered the truth and was warned by the government not to say a thing. He had top secret clearance to top government documents most of us will never see. He later realized he had been deceived and began exposing the truth which he was warned not to talk about. Bill remained truth to himself, something we all need to do, and no matter the consequences continued his venture in warning his listeners  As a consequence he lost his life for doing so. Thanks to him I and many as myself understand the real truth God has exposed about UFO’s and space aliens thru this man with a heart of gold. I never knew the man but wish I had.

So in conclusion here is a very intelligent man who was deceived into believing a lie despite his diligence and always getting the facts before he spoke. Having the facts before he spoke was one of his absolute practices from which he never deviated but yet fell trap nevertheless. He was a tremendously well informed individual as you will see from his videos on He found the government put together a very well designed conspiracy on space aliens with a define agenda to deceive the mass as part of the plan the power that be have towards world domination. He found himself to be a victim. But here is the difference, when he found himself with the dilemma of facing the real truth he prevailed and face it and did not keep quiet about it.  He didn’t just believe anything cause he heard it and neither should you.   So don’t let anyone make you drink out of their cool aid.   Get informed.

That’s the difference between the wheat and the tare; the policemen who has to decide to uphold the U.S. Constitution or codes and statues.

What about you are you willing to face the facts or do you rather remain in denial and believe what I KNOW you do not understand.

I know you don’t simply because I KNOW it is a lie.

For further reading clink on link below:


P.S. I dont advocate Alex Jones































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