On God

A Brief Introduction

Everyone human being has his or her personal journey in life. One is born to perdition another to renown fame, one for invention and building another to destroy. One is occupied with making money while another for slumbering and folding of the hands. One is born poor another rich. There are leaders and there are followers and then a borrower who is a slave to the lender. Then there those who are spiritually motivated while others are not. But no matter where one falls in the spectrum of life, all things being connected, there is something I believe true. Everyone deep down inside wonders at the answer to the big questions of life quietly in their soul, where each individual life ultimately takes place. The real answer to the why we are here and our true destiny.

Unfortunately the world in general is dumfounded and confused by the myriad of theological and metaphysical answers to this question. Sadly religion’s saving grace has been a total failure and has created more chaos, friction, separation, conflict and ultimately war, as history attest with its lies and heresies, than any other governing apparatus. It is not until one digs deep down into things that you begin to see the seriousness of the situation and the real raw deal begins to rear its ugly face. For religion at its core is meant for binding and holding one captive while cloaking under the guise of it’s supposed prime objective, peace. Today however, although the violence has been taking it by force (Mat 11:12), the tides are changing as you will see. True liberation is coming and I dare say with great trepidation the end is near.

Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, Charles Stanley, Mr. Kennedy, James Dobson, Joel Osteen, etc, etc. just to mention a few spiritual giants of Christendom, with the Pope as leader (believe it or not), have heralded the sherade of heresies in the western culture and propagated their idolism into the entire world. It’s not to say Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Cabalist, Islam, etc., have done any better. For all created religion are nothing more than human nature’s delusional attempt at devising its own end, namely self divinity. Human nature’s aspiration to be a god unto himself. As a result the human race has an identity crisis. What do I mean you ask? An identity crisis because people don’t know who they are, what they are doing here or where they are going. Although many well meaning people believe they do. But generally people just know that they are here but have no true direction, except a remnant. Rich and poor foolishly live to fill the void within but for lack of true vision spiritually perish everyday. The mass have given up and simply just don’t care anymore. The same old same old and we all got to die someday are common phrases and the bottom line, profit, prestige and power has becomes the motor aparandi for the pursuit of happiness. The fourth “P” for principle is thrown out the window however.

We have been and are in a dire state of mind since the forbidden fruit and don’t know our true human potential. We can vividly see this as the current Administration, defies human reason and the populace lacking vision consequentially lack the physic to rally against thier obvious unfounded determination to destroy a foreign country. Of course that would be my opinion for those who don’t agree. They even seems adamant on engulfing the whole middle east with his foolish agenda and many trigger happy ride on his wings of terror. All in the name of patriotism for America. But this is nothing new under the sun for all empires eventually have proven to become nothing more than tyrants at the end.

But have no fear for here again religion steps in to save the world. Truly all religion in every culture has served to be the opium of the people and Communism has slowly been capitalizing on this as you will see. The lies and heresies funneled till this day have multiplied far beyond the imagination for the average person to comprehend. As a result societies are torn in disarray with everyone believing their own mind bringing this world closer and closer to total chaos. Thus, Darwinism mechanics has becomes a more palatable answer. People don’t know men of the cloth have been funneling the same garbage the Babylonians dreamed up and the Egyptians and the Roman Catholic Church have refined. Life however, considering its trials and tribulations I suggest demands a greater analysis and a more logical conclusion other than what has been served on a silver platter. I submit if there is an intelligent designer then the reason must also be absolute and sure.

This is where I hope this work brings you, closer to the truth as my studies have done for me. It will be a stepping stone towards the mark. Just a stepping stone. It is not my job to convince you nor will I cover every thought you may have. Each of us individually must choose to seek, knock, desire and embrace a unified spirit towards the unification of all man. It is not about race or gender above another, though I will say all have their place and time. It is about the bringing together a universal karma of Love. For when you reach that climax of loving your enemy then you will have found who and what God is. You will have found Charity. For God, the truth God YHWH is Love. That is our final destiny. Our final frontier and it will be accomplished one way or the other. For all is according to the counsel of His will.

What you are about to read is a result of a long personal effort seeking to discern this matter of life. The why we are here and where we are headed. It has not been easy and the road becomes more narrow as you proceed. As the words of King Solomon still echoes today “with wisdom comes much sorrow” (Ecc 1:18). You are not going to find passive sooth sayings words as I have found throughout the years. Such as the vague turn your heart over to Jesus and everything will be all right nor a left or right wing approach. I leave that to the soothsayers mentioned above and their colleagues. I dare say this is for all to read but not for everyone to accept and probably for a few enlighten audience only, depending on your spiritual level. For most will be offended and recoil at the principles presented in the following pages. Especially if you have been indoctrinated and are an adherent of mainstream theology. It is about enlightment but not the cosmic fallout metaphysical philosophers disseminate, which also leads to self divinity of having the power within. This reader is my endeavor in whining out those gleaming lights of truths which only thru hard work coupled with sincerely seeking and knocking will you find.

Interestingly enough often times they do find you first, but we are not always ready for the plain truth. Are you ready for a reality check? For you as I have done must take the time to inform yourself by proving all things, which often time requires going much further than what your preacher or soothsayer has told you. Because as I have founded out a new theology is born everyday as a result of mistranslation of the Scriptures and ego centered hearts. It’s going to take a contrite (Isiah 58) heart to see the matter of the whole thing from God’s point of view.

Considering what I am about to present to you I have strived to be as plain and simple as possible in this writing realizing it is not up to me to make the connection. I realize, being human myself, no one takes kindly being told they are wrong. Christmas for example may be a traditional celebration with no apparent ramification to you. But instead of perhaps reacting like a child whose lollipop is being pulled away, in hearing so called anti Christmas messages, please think deeper if you dare. Either way you will have to face this music at one time or another. For if you truly seek truth, God hears those who get on their knees and honestly importune Him for truth. But one must be willing to accept it no matter how much it goes the grain. Are you truly ready for this pill? If you are the music is playing. If you find being offended I understand for this is expected but not intended. We have enough hostility to deal with everyday.

This however is good because it shows you are not completely spiritually dead for something of what I am saying is striking you at the heart. If you find I am being redundant it is for the purpose of clarity. I won’t however, fill the pages with scriptures after scriptures, but only as it deems necessary to make my point. I will say this. Without reading the entire Bible you are at a disadvantage, like the person who just walked into a movie half started. So I suggest if you are serious that you do, for without proving for yourself what is the truth you will be treading in water and can’t honestly judge anything spiritual. For if you find me being sarcastic and out of proportion as many will, you would have noted I am only being half as sarcastic as Jesus was.

As a certain song goes “Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies” and I’ll be all right for the truth is too bitter. Like a battered women who only feels alive when the pain is there, the soothsayer charms his audience by swaddling his venom filled flute of lies and deceptions. He calls them up to the alter, zaps them with a dose of heresies bingo they believe and a new droid is born into a “newness of life”. So it says:

That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will not hear the law of the Lord: Which say to the seers, See not; and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak unto us smooth things, prophesy deceit. Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us” (Isa. 30:1-3 & 9-11).

Perhaps purposefully God permits such a scene allowing a taste of our erroneous way that the truth may be more clearly visible when a person makes that move and turns around. I have found that this life is truly a matrix as the movie “The Matrix” portrays, and if you are not ready to be disconnected no force on this physical plain can bring you out of except the almighty hands of God Himself. Listen carefully you don’t have it within you to save yourself as most religion teach. Its not because people won’t but because they can’t. That’s what I said, you can’t. For no one is able to want to thru no fault of their own. For it is the will of God who wills things to be so. It is not the will of man to mark his own destiny as so many believe not understanding what they believe. So out the window goes total free will, the ability to alter the created conscious and reason outside the box of our confine. Our physical world. To be able to say “I will” be done. This is not something you will hear preached because it is uncommon knowledge and most people don’t want to be move out of their comfort zone. These however, are the hidden mysteries of the why we are here and where you will fine God. Where we find Him doing His work and the false prophets cannot be found.

In Ecclesiastics we read ” to everything there is a purpose under heaven. There is a time to kill and a time to heal. A time to embrace and a time to reframe from embracing” … But all is in accord with the counsel of His will. For even the seycoya, a small flying insect which hatches every seven years, lives for a few days, doesn’t eat, finds a mate, breeds and then dies has a purpose. For every thing there is a purpose under heaven for in God there is purpose in everything that exist. Everything in the known universe is a meticulously well throughout work with a Plano gram set in motion from the beginning. Each stage of His plan is being executed even as you read this. For nothing exist of itself for in Him all things has its being even the wind which comes and go. Our very breath emanates from Him who by His Spirit holds all things into existence and expands the universe.

Having said the above do you still think you are here of your own accord. That somehow you mustard your will to want to know God and be interested in such things as this? Not true friend. Why don’t you know that none seek God and you wouldn’t be interested in such matters without God’s own intervention. Why if it was left up to you, you would just continue in your ignorance until the light was shut off inside you and you ceased to exist. For you are just like the beast of the field. Yes plainly speaking a “Nephesh”, a creature. For it is God who calls people individually and then He chooses whom He will according to his purpose. Go ahead and read John 6:65 and believe! Don’t you know that those who are trying to force feed God are doing so in vain by selling you the “hell tactic” theology for example. Some of you may be condemning me for saying this me already. As I mentioned earlier not everyone one will respond to these words in the same way those who are called. So relax and be of good cheer and rejoice for if you feel a deep desire to know truth, it is the very power of your Creator working His purpose in you. The rest as it is with all things in His creation is under His control and all will be called each in his own time according to His purpose. For judgment now begins with the house of Israel of the physical birth (the remnant) and of the spiritual calling (the nations).

So whom am I? Who am I to say what I say? What is my purpose? Why am I doing this? Is it to win souls for Christ as some think they should be doing? Who say ” we need your financial support to get the word out and save as many as we can, thank you and God bless you” while the statistics shows that Satan is winning. They make God’s power of no effect by narrowing down His grace to a few coins as though He needed our help. I recently heard a Pastor on TV saying “Use your credit card and your blessing will come to you faster”!! No way, this is nonsense. I am nobody in particular but special in God’s eyes. I couldn’t compare to some of the above mentioned individuals who hold at least three doctorate yet can’t see the real truth as the Scriptures read. Jesus on the other hand received his teaching from the Father. His incite came from the Most High. I then do this because I am driven to do so. Because perhaps this is my individual purpose. My desire that as many as God may call now my writing will reach them and as a witness to every and anyone. To be one ripple in exposing to you the lies and telling you the truth few dare to tell you. The same purpose of those who have been moved by the word of truth and to tell you the same FREE of charge, unusual as it may seem and despite what all may think. For which the prophets have always been killed.

The purpose of bringing the final ultimatum to those left in a void after all the religion, money, fame, sex, drug, glory etc. has failed to fulfill them and perhaps find themselves at the end of a rope. To plainly tell you the truth, that every knee must bow to the Creator of heaven and earth and admit they are nothing but dust and that we are the dust Satan feeds on. That’s what I said dear readers. Satan was cursed to eat dust and he eats humans like a roaring lion everyday when we let him. For breakfast, lunch and dinner. So what am I saying? The same thing many are saying just in a different way from a different perspective.

So congratulations, welcome and read. You have come to you destiny for which you were born. You can now begin to be unplugged from this matrix and start getting connected to the Creator and partake of the tree of life. For starters do yourself a great favor ” TURN OFF YOUR TV! Again if you can’t handle having your skirt lifted from under you, exposing the real vile you, then quit now. A righteous man however receives reprove and correction and is not easily offended. The truth is meant to kill you and set you free. The truth will make you toss and turn. The wrenched man or woman that you are will struggle to maintained its place in you. The spiritual battle of Armageddon as you begin to be reborn will begin to brew inside you. The inevitable battle against your wrenched Ego and the new inner man God is trying to built in you, will be lunched and than you will begin to be healed. For the Savior must increase and you must decrease. The word of God is a two edge sword friend. It cuts as it goes in killing the beast in you. But heals as it comes out creating a new you. We are like dirty rags before the Creator in our current condition and must be washed into white linen. You will have to face this music one way or the other by going thru God’s consuming fire. By passing thru the angel with the flaming sword. There is no other way. It is God’s divine work working His will in you. The real question is what choices will we continue to make?

I realize I will contradict many basic beliefs here when I say in general all believes descend straight from Egyptian thinking, the great Babylonian religion. If you are Catholic have you ever notice the icons called an “aunke” in front of the priest’s apron? But of course you haven’t. It is a cross a circle on top. Take a closer look next you go to church and ask your priest what this means. Good luck. The circle on top signifies the womb of the female and the cross the fallopian tubes. As the female is consider a goddess from which man come. Catholics priest practice in part the very traditions of the Egyptians such as celibacy and obtaining from meat, etc, but you didn’t know it. You don’t even know where the little fish in the back of your car came from. If you are a born again Christian look out because you are in for a shock, the probe will be kick from underneath you. Your pastor has deceived you. You have not been born again by accepting Jesus as your personal savior. Only Christ is the firstborn among all man. The only true connection is to God Himself!

Like I said you are going to find many secret things which have been hidden from you to keep you abased. You will find you have and are being manipulated like drones. Perhaps deep down inside you have known something is not right and things just don’t make sense, but you’ll just ride along with it for fear of facing the truth. If Jehovah’s Witness got you peddling for them get ready to put all those selected quotes and verses they teach you away. There is no reward in this except perhaps your own personal passage. If you are black or white just take note the sun shines on all the same. My black brothers I have something to say to you in regards to your acre and a mule for in you are the keys to many things. This message is for the whole world even British Israelism who seem to know everything. Yes including Jews who have told me I am but just a gentile and will never be like them. I actually won’t. Muslins will do well to take a closer look at whom they have dedicated their souls to and importune the true Allah of creation and not blindly follow the proclamations of a white slave owner the originator of the Kuran, Fard Muhammad. But you didn’t know that nor that they are over 18 translation of the Koran. Here is an eye opening revelation although some will say it means his skin tone was lighter than the rest:

According to Hadith no.63,vol 1, it says: “When a man arrived at the mosque, he asked, “who amongst you is Muhammad?” The companions of the prophet replied “THIS WHITE MAN RECLINING ON HIS ARM”.

I don’t have all the truth but how I have shrived to obtain the little I share with you. Be warned no one has the complete truth ! I speak out bluntly to stir you to thinking for yourselves. I do not claim flawlessness but am very careful in my research and continue to seek for the truth. It is encumber upon each of us to ask and seek as we are instructed by the Scriptures and it will be given. Only when that which is perfect comes again, namely Yahshuah, will we know the whole truth. But did you know not even the angels understand what is going on even though they are set up to be minister to us. The angels don’t know! And guess what we yes we will be judging them one day!! The apostles were not given full revelation and at time argued amongst themselves in regard to certain matters of the faith like circumcision. This whole process we are living thru is an individual growth process.

We are all being pruned, chastised and refined as it is done with gold by putting us thru the fire. In this manner holy and righteous character is produced. We are going thru a conveyer belt if you will. The end product when we come out will be an individual with the qualities and built in character of God Himself. So we shall be like Yahshuah (Jesus) at the end and guess what? No one will be going to a place so called hell. But every man in his own time shall be judged. If this is not good news to you Christians you need to check your minds. If you prefer believing in a God who’s only end is glorification against the will of His creation so be it but you should know a man forced against his will always will be of the same opinion still.

I am fully aware of traditional Christian and other religious thinking and the fervency with which they teach what they believe. They have techniques in delivering their speeches by twisting and turning truths and lies but never really addressing the Scriptures completely in the spirit of truth. Nor are they willing to speak of certain other matters and admit they don’t have the answer for and admit being wrong on others. They just stay on course like a Bush agenda as not to stir any curiosity in the listener. Popular Christianity ride on the word censorship for example. Not to offend anyone but to bring them to Christ with soothing conforming words . By censoring they keep you from knowing the truth about the very leaders they hail to the throne and who have no connection whatsoever with the true God. Then they ask that you pray for them while they cyphen your savings from your pockets,

I also understand you as an individual more than you imagine and have seriously taken this into consideration and will tell you this is a crash course. But at this point in time I see no room for passiveness. I am also familiar with many teachings from various groups such as Identity Churches and many others who have many truths but fail to acknowledge others who also have come forth with many Scriptural revelations. Simply because it challenges them to make changes against the grain. God has revealed His truth here and there as individual whole heartily seek Him. This I have seen. For even the Metaphysics, although it proposes a self volition to the higher power, carries a resounding affirmation of truths. The truth is everywhere to be found. The subject of man and his God surely has its inherent difficulties I admit which cannot be explained with mere words. This has to be acknowledged. It requires a connection of a spiritual nature which one must be called to and be willing to tune in to. To this end in mind I write. It is however, the duty of all men to come to grip with his absolute true morality endowed by his Creator at some point. All must acknowledge truth derives from the one and only cosmic Will, his Creator, not of himself.

I therefore have painstakingly whined out from here and there over a two year period what out rightly from many writings and the Scriptures what proves to be irrefutable truth. I have done this and brought it together acknowledging various sources that you may know this is not my individual propaganda and all may see the need for all men to come together under one roof instead of embracing individualism. I am not alone. That God is not a respector of person. That the deception which has stealthily crept into the true teaching of Yashuah can be dealt with and expose of. That the “call out people of YHWH” come together as one from all cultures and people. This is my call to all. No one can boost for no one is far removed than from the paganism our ancestors believed in. Even Abraham himself, the father of the faithful, came out of a pagan worshipping society. It is only technology that has thrown wool over our eyes making us feel and look more intelligent than those that have preceded us. For the greatest engineering minds today cannot figure out how the pyramids were built. Amazing I would say. Still other cultures have more peace and harmony with just having certain basic principles than this great country with all its religion. Hopefully from what I present in these writings you yourself will see the picture as a whole and one day become a resonating ripple.

Additionally thru the study of Quantum mechanics and the universe it can be absolutely deducted that there is a supreme force at work. Therefore, thru the creation and as science searches for the essence of the singularity, the final part in understanding the big bang, God can be known of His existence. For logical reasoning should one chose to accept it , man and the creation could have come from none other than God Himself as there is nothing else to create from except Himself. In order words the physical creation is a manifestation of the spiritual. It can be logically concluded than that God is within each individual that is born. In other words there is eternity in every human being. However, as to the innate power that is suggested by some that man has which gives man the ability to mold and shape his own destiny and that he has it within himself to by himself find his way back to God and be what he wants to be is without credence. For if the Scriptures is to be of any guiding light to the soul it at close squinty reveals another conscious. One would either deny it completely for its absurdity or accept it as the only source of truth given to man. I thru my time spent in searching by dividing the Scripture here and there conclude that it is of a spiritual nature. That man having being created carnal intentionally with his limited autonomy can by no other than God Himself wake up to spiritual truth. Left to himself man is simply a breathing creature with a part of God Himself in him giving him human reason but no ability to obtain any spiritual enlightment. He would simply die and be no more than a beast of the field. The miracle of our existence than is totally God’s handy works.

Lastly, I submit your individual challenge as a called out one is to study, leaving no stones unturned, be strong and engaged your individual passage into your destiny. Then take the next step to change when the evidence is there and no where else to go. If you find yourself being overwhelmed and confused understand don’t be dismayed. For coming to the truth and not denying it is tantamount to having your tooth pulled. It is in fact a struggle of the mind to become free into an egoless state. I will say this is a very condensed compilation of an extensive research presented straight to the point without sugar coating. You will either be move by this or not. But don’t listen to me check out what I say, prove it, ask questions but do the same for those who contradict also. Listen and hear but trust no man in what he says to you but ask your Creator in private to heal you and give you wisdom. It is an individual plight searching into one’s soul and sincerely asking yourself am I truly being honest or less than honest with myself and my Creator.

This country has been given the greatest opportunities of all Empires. We are fortunate. Just watch the other countries at large. You will however, find in time that that no matter when and where you are it is a lonely and privileged narrow road for the world is full of evil man. At the end you will come to see the relationship ends up being between you and your Creator.

At the end if will be you taking your last breath and YHWH there to receive it.


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