A Promise To Pay

In this article I will endeavor to give a perspective on this things called MONEY and mostly importantly the force behind it. Yes the secret ingredient to everyone’s happiness. Is that what you believe? Now why should this be important? Because everything that is taking place in this life is a spiritual experience we need to learn from. Therefore, understanding the way things function in this world is itself a revelation, an evidence of the state of chaos man is operating under. Being able to see thru the smoke screen of evil will awaken you unto a new horizon that will allow you to see beyond the backyard of your mind. I am not an economist or a financial guru by any means. Having said this it just proves you don’t have to be one to understand their game. All you need is a little wisdom.

The average person busily preoccupied out of necessity, especially those who are entrenched and caught up in it’s net thru the stock market or other venues, have no true perspective on what money really is, it’s concept and from where it has its roots. All people know is the more you have of it the better off you are basically because with it you can keep your belly full. It however is a ruthless apparatus used to control the very lives of all who ignorantly bow down to it believing that there is no other concept but what we have. Well if you have lots of it you are probably quite comfortable the way things are. But if you don’t or worst yet should you find yourself without it one day, you will live thru its wrath and intentions as you find yourself oppressed by a system that is design to do one thing. To steal your very life force, your energy. This whole idea of your energy concept will be new to most of you so hang in there.

There is only one commodity of absolute value that you posses and can render in exchange for services and goods. That is your God given Talent. Just think about what this world would be like if we have were able to develop those innate talents we are born with instead of being forced to do something against our will just to survive. Isn’t that the predicament you probably find yourselves in? Money has replaced what would be a natural order of things. Money is not natural and that is why it is said to be the root of all sort of evil. Why is this? I will tell you why. Because even the best of intended people with big hanks accounts and honorably give away tons of it (usually as a write off) have their hearts secretly planted in the old Golden Cow. They if found without it one day will find themselves disconnected and lost because their connection was to, of all the darn things, a piece of paper. Knowing how to be abound and abase is a divine experience. But I guess many will say “who cares just give me the money”.

The world money system throughout history has gone from simple barter with private money(live stock, hand made goods, produce) to public money backed up by Gold/metal to fiat money ( money out of thing air) and soon to soon to be Gold standard some say. But I see digital money as the next means of currency. And as the video below shows, implementations of digital money already exist! Although I wouldn’t opt for it.

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Have you noticed places all over trying to buy your gold today. I see another 1933 situation taking place when Roosevelt collected all the gold thereby taking the power away from the people. The problem is anything physical that you use as a back up for money has its true value in your acceptance of it. It requires your energy to have force. The fact is you can use anything physical as a backup for money. The Romans at one time used salt for payment from which we get the word salary. Salt itself gives life because it contains iodine a necessary nutrient for the body and it was a scares item in certain times. It’s value in weight was that of gold and only the rich had lots of it. Salt at least has a life value but there is so much in the world today it has no economical value. Gold has its intrinsic value as well. BUT YOU CAN’T EAT IT!

So what is Gold, silver or any such metals but nothing more than a physical object. The American Indian thought of it but just a piece of rock. Gold had no value in their culture because they gave it no energy. What would be worth more in a time of crisis a sack of potatoes or a bar of gold? That’s pretty easy to figure when your belly is crying out. But we give gold its life because we give our energy to it. It becomes in the mind a matrix of something that has worth. Worth because with it you can buy nutrient and buy essential things and things you think you need. So much value is placed on a piece of metal that the very life of people become valueless as people are killed for it and children are sold in the market. Also consider the power in place has taken over all the farming in the nation to control food production and it’s value in the market. But lets just suppose the farming industries all of a sudden stopped making a profit. What do you think would happen to farming as we know it today? Those who control the gold control the world. Just to let your know something the actual weight of a pure solid bar of gold is 999.9. You turn it upside down the you have a piece of the puzzle as to the man of sin who’s number is 666!

We all want to live. It is inherent in our makeup to want to exist and not die. Money means food you see? If you have it you eat. If you don’t you die. So then in order to exist and not die we have been made to believe that we need this thing called money. Unless you are fortunate and smart with your own land and grow your own food to eat, you are at the mercy of those controlling the plantations. But when you understand what is really going on regarding the use of metals as a backup for the dollar, you will understand this could not be further from the truth.

Now the question will arise as to what sort of economy would we have that does not require such a thing called money. Well this is a place The Powers That Be (TPTB)do not want us to be because it is outside the box they have us in. Because if every person did than we could cause their whole system to crumble overnight and they would lose power and control. But greed plaques every man and woman born and causes men to self destruct.

First lets look at what is a dollar bill. The dollar itself has no intrinsic value. It is a piece of paper given the force of a currency and it’s called fiat money. Like electricity is a current so money is the current of an economy. The dollar is a promise to pay. It is a Federal Reserve Note as it reads on the top front. Take out a dollar and look at it. A Note is something you write to someone promising to pay them later for services rendered or some type of goods got from them. The dollar is a promise to pay because today we do not have any real money to pay with. That’s why it is called a note. The average person has no idea this is going on even thought the word “Note” is printed on the front. Those in control have forced their servants to accept a piece of paper with no intrinsic value as a means of exchange. Unlike gold which there is only so much of it, paper money can be product at the wave of a finger. Inflation and deflation of an economy is caused by producing more of it or retracting it. People are made to believe the fluctuation of the economy is just the ways things are. The fact is those in control are causing things to be as they want it to be.

Get this into your head nothing just happens they are caused to happen.

A quick history. You see in the mid thirties President Roosevelt withdrew the money crashing the financial system in the U.S thus causing the depression of the thirties in order to further the bankers plan to collect the land itself. This is just a small part of the whole picture. The Federal Reserve was eventually taken over by the bankers who were owed so much interest, all the gold collected wasn’t enough to pay the debt. So in secrecy the government signed off all the land of the people to bankers. (Please read the Treaty of Verona) Few know that the State of Maryland was initially established by England for the purpose of one day expanding and becoming that giant it is today. The United States Corporation. Yes the United States is a cooperation just like Sears, Marcy etc. All the gold was ordered to be turned in to the banks in 1933. It was illegal for one to own gold! This is all historical facts you can search out yourselves. It seems we are headed that same path again soon. Today because of the interest owed to the banks it would take 300 years paying one hundreth million dollars a day to pay the owd interest to the bankers! How you like those nuggets?

So now that all the gold was turned in and “We The People” have nothing of intrinsic value to pay with. What eventually was created is the debt base system we are struggling with. The dollar as a currency is based on debt so in order for the system to exist, borrowing by the public from the banks is the name of the game. This is called money out of thin air. Because every time you sign your signature on a piece of paper that signature creates the money. In reality it is your promise to pay, your energy that you are signing away that is keeping the system alive and going. Your acceptance of the dollar is what gives it it’s value. If we all suddenly agreed not to accept the dollar it would lose it’s life. Their system would crash overnight. The money created by your signature does not literally exist nor does the bank have it in their bolt in the form of gold. It only exist as a matrix in their compurter system. It is also made to seem very complicated on purpose. There is not enough gold in the world to balance out the world deficit. Which is why the value of gold has sky rocked.

A true financial system does not have to be complicated and convoluted by lopes after lopes of BS as created by the Fractural Reserve System in place today. But it is made that way on purpose. So that you will never understand it. This way they stay in control. So this debt based global financial currency system is built on an extremely complex interconnected network of debt instruments. All the major financial institutions and major western governments have been technically bankrupt several times over. This is because the web of lunacy and inaction causing the unsustainable level of accelerated debt has no reasonable course nor solution. Do not believe what you hear. The bottom line is the financial conditions the U.S. finds itself in is unfixable! But it’s actually world wide.

It is a scam flat and simple purposely done to enslave the world and because of it’s nature it has only one way to go but down. This is where we find ourselves today folks and trying to make sense of it is virtually impossible as lopes after lopes sent you on a wild goose chase. The court system functions in the same way and you soon find out when you try to find remedy in a particular situation you might find yourself in. The court system is in place to support the banks in collecting revenue from the people to continue paying the never ending interest on the loans to the bankster. The Judge gets a cut on the back end.

The present system has only one place to go. That is it’s eventual total collapse on a world wide scale. That is why we see Obama giving away billions of dollars to save the economy. It isn’t bailing out you and me is it? But all it is doing is creating more debt the public (that’s you and me) have to pay in forms of taxes, traffic tickets and whatever else they will invent to steal our energy, out life force. And lets not forget they have the IRS in place with a gun to our heads to make sure those taxes are collected and all they are is a collection agency. It is just the same Roman System just a little more technologically advanced. It is really a world gone mad, but more on the insane side. It is fraud at its highest level for which those perpetrator will one day have to give an account.

Here is a greater tragedy. The very people who are used to enforce and support it are your neighbors, families and friends. How you ask? When they join the police force (in general most do it with a honorable intent but do not understand the oath they took), become Doctors and especially Lawyers. . It is because of public ignorance on most and greed on the part of the many that know the truth but don’t care as long as they are getting a pay check from it, that the system is kept in place. And why do you think when you go to the shopping mall they try to stuff a credit card down your throat and tons of mail are sent out by the credit card company. Simply because they need to keep the public barrowing. Now let me give you this scenario and think about this. What would happen if all the sellers getting paid on a mortgage decided to cash out on the bank for a period of one week? Since there is not enough cash circulating to cash out on such a large scale the banks would have a serious problem on their hands. The picture is clear to see if you want to see.

For the purpose of taking you to a place where I believe will help you grow and understand what has been and is going on I will introduce and and comment on one organization that has almost completed a replacement to take over the present system once the collapse takes place in 2012 according to them. The site is called One-Heaven.org. It is a very noble attempt I might add and the research they have done is one of the most elaborate in-depth scrutiny of our financial system I have even seen. Not only this but they have basically infiltrated the power structure and uncovered the basis governing the laws and tenets that have all of us oppressed.

It all leads to a very deep rabbit hold with the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain. The present system governing law and money has its force in what is called Ecclesiastical Cannon Law. Yes folks it all has to do with indulgences started many moons ago by the Catholic Church with the Pope sitting on the throne lke a wizard controlling all that takes place. I know this will puzzle most of you but once you take a look at their information you’ll see the real picture. It is the reason why all the leaders of the free world will bow down to the Pope who under Cannon Law sits on the earth as the Vicar of Christ. It will pull the vail from your face.

For those of you in the free man movements attempting to find remedy using the Uniform Commercial Code Manual (UCC) you will find that there is in fact some remedy in it but because the system is in dishonor it won’t work. It is their private system of working things and the remedy is for them not us. They have learned from the free man movement and have now created lopes after lopes of bureaucratic paperwork and made up requirements to discourage the idea. They are now more and more holding those attempting the free man excuse in contempt and jailing them. I do not advocate the use of the UCC as some promote on the web.

The present system is all about Trust Accounts backed up not by gold but by your body and the salvaging of your soul. Talk about cultism in high places. This will definitely be a rude awaking for just about everyone. They have supposely taken the souls of all of us and monetized it into a trust from where they draw funds and trade it on the stock market. Just ask someone who works in the stock martket to look up your Social Security Number (SSN) as a tradin.

What One-Heaven .Org has done is established what they call Supreme (Trust) Credits as the highest, most valuable currency that they consider ever to be form by any Civilization according to them. It is suppose to underwrite all other currencies once the present system collapse . Their proposal is a Credit base system and not a Debt as we have today.

Now what backs up this Supreme (Trust) Credits according to UCADIA? Well this is how they put it:
“Supreme Credits are formed when the equitable title of one hundred

(100) Divine Trusts of deceased members of One Heaven are conveyed

into a new Divine Trust known as a Supreme Trust.

What this means is that each and every unit of currency of a Supreme

Credit has real spiritual existence and immortality—not even gold has

such value! Furthermore, no other currency can demonstrate spirit and

existence of its own “soul”—in effect all other lesser “debt” currency,

whether it be gold, jewels, bonds or notes is dead currency unless

attached to a “living” currency of Ucadia and One Heaven.”

So instead of gold or our souls backing up the currency, dead members of the organization have become Divine Trusts providing the Credit to fund the economy. This is where I respectfully part with them because as you might have read in all my writings, I have shown that the Scriptures reveals man is not an immortal soul but very mortal who goes to the grave when he dies and not to some place in Heaven.

I am saying this to clarify where I stand on principles of the spirits but I also believe the information they have to be incredibly valuable for those who desire to understand how this Satanic world is run by the elite. To this end I credit their fabulous work. But please as I have said in my opening to this website, proceed with care in all that you read.

You can follow the link below to get started which will take you to “How to Succeed in Court”. The have very little success rates however.


As to what sort of economy the future holds for the 1000 year reign of the Messiah on the earth I cannot with certainty said. But on speculations considering the technological break thru we have made, which is just but a taste of the possible advances that will be made, I would venture to said Talents would be the measure used as as the basis for a future economy. The individual innate gifts after which the greatest of gift is Charity.
Rom 12:6 but having different gifts according to the grace given to us, whether prophecy, according to the proportion of the faith;





































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